From Tracon back to Princess Miu:
Prinsessa Miuni joutui hetkeksi kadoksiin postin
onkaloihin, mutta löysi lopulta onnellisesti perille:
My Princess Miu was lost somewhere in the caves of
the post office, but found its way to home eventually:
Posti oli varmuuden vuoksi vuorannut yhden laatikon sivun osoitteellani...
The post had put this huge address paper on the one side of the packet...
The post had put this huge address paper on the one side of the packet...
...ja laittanut vielä kaksi lisää, että varmasti tulee oikeaan osoitteeseen :D
...and put two more, just in case :D
...and put two more, just in case :D
Ja siinä hän on! Hiukset silmillä, oma pikku Sadako prinsessani >_<;
And there she is! Hair over her eyes, my own little Sadako princess >_<;
And there she is! Hair over her eyes, my own little Sadako princess >_<;
Kampaus oli siis vähän räjähtänyt
The hairdo had exploded a little bit
Jalatkin olivat irrallaan :'D
The legs were loose too :'D
Okei, nyt kun ollaan hieman siistiydytty, esittely voi alkaa:
Okay, now that we have freshen up, can we start the presentation:
Hiukset ovat siis todella pitkät ja senpä takia kovin
työläät: aina on joku suortuva harottamassa...
Her hair is really long and difficult to handle: it gets messy easily...
Her hair is really long and difficult to handle: it gets messy easily...
...mutta rakastan kuitenkin hime cut-kampausta <3
Kimonon hihat ovat ihanan pitkät, helman ollessa mini <3
...but still I love that hime cut-hair style <3
Sleeves of the kimono are nice and long, while the hem is mini <3
...but still I love that hime cut-hair style <3
Sleeves of the kimono are nice and long, while the hem is mini <3
Obi vyön rusetti löytyy hiusten alta.
Ribbon of the obi belt can be found under the hair.
Miulla on obidome, korusolki / Miu has an obidome, a jewel buckle
Itse kimono on tosi helppo riisua ja pukea:
Kimono itself is really easy to take off and put on:
Tuo keltainen "kaulaliina" on date-eri, valekaulus, jota
käytetään kimonoissa koristeellisuuden vuoksi.
That yellow scarf is date-eri, a fake collar. It's used as a decorative.
That yellow scarf is date-eri, a fake collar. It's used as a decorative.
Obissa on nepparikiinnitys...
The obi has a snap fastener...
The obi has a snap fastener...
...kuten myös kimonossa.
*** well as in kimono.
*** well as in kimono.
Kuin kirsikkana kakun päällä on tämä uchikake (laahuksellinen päällyskaapu)
This uchikake (a overcoat with a train) is like the cherry on top the cake
This uchikake (a overcoat with a train) is like the cherry on top the cake
<3 <3
Asusteina vielä hiuskoriste, kultainen viuhka ja sandaalit sekä jalassa olevat tabit
More accessories: a hair band, a golden fan and sandals and also tabi-socks
More accessories: a hair band, a golden fan and sandals and also tabi-socks
Kokovarustus päällä / Everything is on
Princess Miu ~Mangetsu no yoru ni~ on aivan mielettömän ihana
nukke vihreine silmineen, mustine hiuksineen ja koristeellisine asuineen
Princess Miu ~Mangetsu no yoru ni~ is insanely adorable doll
with her green eyes, black hair and decorative outfit.
Ps. Pitääkin päivitellä tuonne Info-osuuteen, siitä että Azone saa vihdoinkin myyntiin
Flection Full action bodyt S, M ja L-kokoisina. Jee! Itse olen ennakkotilannut
pari S ja M-kehoa, niin ei arvitse koko ajan vaihdella päitä tai vaatteita...
Ps. I have to remember to update my Info page because Azone has finally managed to make
Flection Full action bodies in sizes S, M and L. Yay! I have already pre-ordered
couple of S and M bodies, so I don't have to change the heads or clothes all the time...
Princess Miu ~Mangetsu no yoru ni~ is insanely adorable doll
with her green eyes, black hair and decorative outfit.
Ps. Pitääkin päivitellä tuonne Info-osuuteen, siitä että Azone saa vihdoinkin myyntiin
Flection Full action bodyt S, M ja L-kokoisina. Jee! Itse olen ennakkotilannut
pari S ja M-kehoa, niin ei arvitse koko ajan vaihdella päitä tai vaatteita...
Ps. I have to remember to update my Info page because Azone has finally managed to make
Flection Full action bodies in sizes S, M and L. Yay! I have already pre-ordered
couple of S and M bodies, so I don't have to change the heads or clothes all the time...